French buffet
29,90 € – 33,25 €
Note: Price reserved until new catalogue is published.
Description of the
Franco-German friendship to savour
STARTERS: Selection of terrines and pâtés | Fish platter with different varieties
Smoked fish and fish terrines | Roasted prawn rosé | Grilled Mediterranean prawns
with herbs de Provence | Coq au vin skewers | Quiche Lorrain bites |
Potato and leek salad | Chicory and cheese salad with grapes | Lamb's lettuce with raspberry vinaigrette
| Fine seafood salad | Carrot salad
DIPS AND BACKWARDS: Garlic sauce | Cream of horseradish
Dijon-mustard-honey cream | Baguette
Please choose two main courses:
1. braised pork cheeks
with gratinated potato rösti
- or - 2. stuffed roast veal de Toul
with herb dumplings
- or - 3. salmon fillet with dill cream sauce
Rice and seasonal vegetables
DESSERT: Chocolate mousse |
Vanilla crème with stewed mirabelle plums |
French cheese selection with fruit
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