Brunch-Buffet „Gourmet“

29,90 33,25 

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Note: Price reserved until new catalogue is published.

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Description of the

The culinary combination of breakfast and lunch

Not only breakfast but also lunch. Not only known in Saarland as: Brunch. The Gourmet Brunch Buffet from Grunder Gourmet Party and Event Catering offers a delicious combination of classic breakfast dishes and hot dishes. Various salads and desserts round off this catering perfectly!

COLD TREATS: Grilled chicken drumsticks with herbs and cheese | Smoked salmon rolls with cream cheese filling | Scampi in a potato nest | Cucumber slices with tuna creamcream | Small escalopes with savoury garnish | Marinated meatballs with plum sauce | Stuffed saddle of suckling pig | Farmhouse ham | Chicory boats with pork loin on Waldorf salad | Prawn skewers with pineapple | Parma ham with melon wedges | Ham rolls with asparagus | Stuffed eggs [seasonal] | Marinated olives | Grilled peppers and onions | Mango and papaya with mozzarella

SALADS: Prawn cocktail | Tomato salad | Cucumber salad | Farmer's salad | Potato salad | Pasta salad | Shepherd's salad with sheep's cheese | Colourful leaf salad with house dressing

BUTTER & DIPPING SAUCES: Butter, jam and your dipping sauces

HOT DISHES: Scrambled eggs with bacon | Scrambled eggs with chives | Tortelloni with ricotta filling and herb sauce - served with fresh Parmesan cheese

BUTTER & DIPPING SAUCES: Served with butter and various delicious dipping sauces

Please choose the third main course:
Slices of chicken breast on a bed of colourful vegetables - served with potato noodles - or - Slices of young pork loin in a mustard-herb marinade - served with market vegetables and potato gratin

COLOURFUL BREAD BASKET: Bread basket with various types of party rolls | croissants | farmhouse bread

DESSERT: Mousse variation in glasses and cups | International cheese board, garnished with fruit


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